2010 results

Friday 8 July 2011

Still excercising and lots of walking.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Zig Zag

Stepos, steep set into hillside, path called The Zig Zag.

Steep slope back. Fantastic views over town and sea, island beyond.

Still walking a lot. Other excs too.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Still going strong, walking and excercises

Monday 1 February 2010


Wanting to tackle my severe insomnia this month as well as continue to improve fitness.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Gone back to the staircase (walk or run up and down) excercises as well as long walks (weather permitting). Been doing it all week starting from last Sunday night when I did 20 sets of walking up and down.


20 x walk
10 x run

Thursday 19 November 2009

Back on track

Walking and lots of excercising. Cutting down dramatically on yeast products has made a big difference.

Tuesday 6 October 2009


Toes hurting again. Forgot to post before that saw a chiropodist x 2 some months back after seeing DR who told me to go there. Possible osteo in big toe - given excs - painful to do. May need to start doing them again.

Or it's the way I sit at the computer, noticed that my toes are bent up against the panel on the inside of the desk - must stop doing that and see if it makes a difference.